Wybierz język: PLChoose language: EN

Art-Mont - Guest Rooms in Krakow

Market Square in Cracow

We are pleased to invite you to ART-MONT Guest-Rooms which are located in the Center of historical Cracow on the Krowoderska Street no.27 (15 minutes on foot from the Railway Station and 5 minutes from the Market Square).

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Display all news

"; echo "
"; } else{ if($login == true){ echo ""; if (IsSet($choosen_edit)){ $title_query = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM artmont_news_en WHERE title = '$choosen_edit'"); $date_query = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM artmont_news_en WHERE title = '$choosen_edit'"); $short_content_query = mysql_query("SELECT short_content FROM artmont_news_en WHERE title = '$choosen_edit'"); $content_query = mysql_query("SELECT full_content FROM artmont_news_en WHERE title = '$choosen_edit'"); $old_title = mysql_result($title_query,0); $title = mysql_result($title_query,0); $date = mysql_result($date_query,0); $short_content = mysql_result($short_content_query,0); $content = mysql_result($content_query,0); // Formularz edycji istniejących wpisów echo "


"; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "

"; echo "

Full content:
"; echo "

"; echo ""; echo "
"; }else{ //$id_query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM news"); $date_query = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM artmont_news_en"); $title_query = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM artmont_news_en"); $short_content_query = mysql_query("SELECT short_content FROM artmont_news_en"); $content_query = mysql_query("SELECT full_content FROM artmont_news_en"); $count = mysql_num_rows($date_query); // Formularz dodawania nowych wpisów echo "

Add new

"; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "

"; echo "

Full content:
"; echo "

"; echo "
"; // Wyświetlanie istniejących wpisów po stronie administratora for ($row = $count-1; $row >= 0; $row = $row - 1){ $date = mysql_result($date_query, $row); $title = mysql_result($title_query,$row); $short_content = mysql_result($short_content_query,$row); $content = mysql_result($content_query,$row); echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "

"; } } }else{ // Wyświetlanie istniejących wpisów po stronie użytkownika $date_query = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM artmont_news_en"); $title_query = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM artmont_news_en"); $short_content_query = mysql_query("SELECT short_content FROM artmont_news_en"); $content_query = mysql_query("SELECT full_content FROM artmont_news_en"); $count = mysql_num_rows($date_query); if($count > 0){ for ($row = $count-1; $row >= 0; $row = $row - 1){ $date = mysql_result($date_query, $row); $title = mysql_result($title_query,$row); $short_content = mysql_result($short_content_query,$row); $content = mysql_result($content_query,$row); echo "
"; echo "

$title ($date)

"; echo "$short_content"; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "

"; } } else{ echo "

No news yet.

"; } } } ?>